Tygh Valley

Where Spirits Grow

By John Maier

Our 200 acre malting barley farm in Tygh Valley, Oregon is just a tiny piece of a bigger picture. We grew a mere .0000616 of the U.S. barley crop last year.

But we don’t want to be big, just better. That’s why we grow our own malting barley, so we can watch it, touch it, and smell it every step on the way from ground to glass.

If you’re not drinking a Rogue Farms whiskey or beer, this is where the barley might be coming from. Or it might be coming from Canada, or Europe, or Australia, or Argentina.

From Seed To Shot, It Starts Here

By John Maier

Waiting is easy. Anticipation is hard.

We’re waiting for a spell of weather without rain so the soil can dry out and we can move in the heavy equipment. We’re anticipating seeding the 2013 crop of Dare™ 2-row malting barley. There’s about three weeks of work in between.

The Hardest Part Of Winter Is Over

By John Maier, Rogue Brewmaster

Watching our 100 acres of Risk™ malting barley – we can finally relax a bit. Temperatures at the Rogue Barley Farm are warming up. Nighttime lows are climbing out of the 20’s. With no snow to protect the barley that’s important.

This late in the season, the odds of a barley killing cold spell are almost nothing.


Meet The Germinator

Some distillers want consistency. They buy standard malts, off the shelf, no surprises.

I want variety. Different flavors, different roasts, different smoking techniques. Now I can create new and unique mashes for Rogue Spirits.

So we Micro Malt at Rogue Farms Farmstead Malt House in Tygh Valley using a steel box called the Germinator. Almost impossibly small batches means I get the variety I want, when I want.

Old Time Floor Malting Spirits and Beer

I’ve been writing a lot about the Rogue Farmstead Malt House in Tygh Valley. Floor malting, micro malting, we do both here.

Eric and Barbara sent in some photos of what’s going on. Very Rogue-like. Lots of hard work and nothing fancy about it. This is how the old timers did it until about two centuries ago.

Posting the photos so you can see for yourself how Rogue creates DIY Pilsner floor malt and micro malt.